This directory contains the raw wiggle data used for the Affymetrix Transcriptome Phase 3 Long RNA and Short RNA Signal tracks on the hg17 browser. The files in this directory are named the following way: for the 10 wiggle subtracks in the Long RNA track, the file name is prefixed with "lRNA". Similarly, for the Short RNA track, the 4 wiggle file names start with "sRNA". Files included in this directory: lRNA.affyTxnPhase3HDF.wig.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3HeLaCyto.wig.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3HeLaNuclear.wig.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3HepG2Cyto.wig.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3HepG2Nuclear.wig.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3Jurkat.wig.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3NCCIT.wig.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3PC3.wig.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3SK_N_AS.wig.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3U87MG.wig.gz sRNA.affyTxnPhase3HeLabottom_strand.wig.gz sRNA.affyTxnPhase3HeLatop_strand.wig.gz sRNA.affyTxnPhase3HepG2bottom_strand.wig.gz sRNA.affyTxnPhase3HepG2top_strand.wig.gz Credits: Data generation and analysis were performed by the transcriptome group at Affymetrix with assistance from colleagues at the University of Leipzig, Fraunhofer Institute, and University of Vienna: P. Kapranov, J. Cheng, S. Dike, D.A. Nix, R. Duttagupta, A.T. Willingham, P.F. Stadler, J. Hertel, J. Hackermüller, I.L. Hofacker, I. Bell, E. Cheung, J. Drenkow, E. Dumais, S. Patel, G. Helt, M. Ganesh, S. Ghosh, A. Piccolboni, V. Sementchenko, H. Tammana, T.R. Gingeras. All the files in this directory are freely available for public use.